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臨床研究 – fixed appliance – 與標準正畸治療相比,牙根吸收沒有增加 – 實現前牙排列的時間減少 54%? – 成人間隙閉合率增加 26% – 與假手術對照組相比,峰值疼痛減少 73% – 對齊期間牙齒移動速度快兩倍
1 Al-Okla N, Bader DM, Makki L. Effect of photobiomodulation on maxillary decrowding and root resorption: A randomized clinical trial. APOS Trends Orthod 2018;8:86-91. Shaughnessy et al. Intraoral photobiomodulation-induced orthodontic tooth alignment: a preliminary study. BMC Oral Health, 2016 16:3. 3 Samara et al. Velocity of orthodontic active space closure with and without photobiomodulation therapy: a single-center, cluster randomized clinical trial. Laser Dent Sci (2018) 2:109-118. 4 Al-Okla N, Ferguson D et al. Pain perception of photobiomodulation treated and sham-controlled patients undergoing orthodontic treatment: ARCT. Data on file. 5 Kau CH, et al. Photobiomodulation accelerates orthodontic alignment in the early phase of treatment. Prog Orthod. 2013 Sep 19:14:30.




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